Thursday, June 01, 2006


Welcome to the 2nd annual miff blog!


Last year I decided to start a blog as a temporary effort during the Melbourne International Film Festival. I'm really glad I did it - though I suspect it's not a massive destination site, it's been a really handy way for me to see what I watched and remember the films I may have otherwise forgot. 2006 will mark the fifth year in a row that I've bought a passport ticket to see films. I'm unsure if I'll make it to as many films this year, but I hope to get through quite a few, and again, intend to do some quick write-ups describing what I did and didn't like.

I welcome any comments as time progresses. I'll post the list of films I intend to see as the end of July draws closer. In the meantime, feel free to visit last year's blog. And, if you plan to attend the festival, don't forget to their website to buy tickets. Finally, if you have a MIFF related blog of your own, please let me know and I'll add it to my links section!


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